Power-off stupidity remains in Gnome 3 (Was: Power-off stupidity remains in Fedora 17)

Ian Malone ibmalone at gmail.com
Fri Jun 15 11:32:26 UTC 2012

On 15 June 2012 00:43, Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan
<FedoraProject at oeconomist.com> wrote:
> Again, this being the Fedora userlist, it isn't the place to agitate to get
> Gnome fixed.  The relevant choice for Fedora as such, concerning the user
> shell, is amongst these:
>  * to keep Gnome shell as the default user shell;
>  * to keep Gnome shell as an option but no longer make it the default;
>  * to cease to provide Gnome shell with the distribution.
> If there is no effective place for users to try to get Gnome shell fixed,
> that may say something about which choice should be made for Fedora.  But
> people who have already settled on the first of these options, yet are
> dissatisfied with that shell, shouldn't be using this list to try to get
> that shell modified.

I'm not actually entirely convinced. I do have a bugzilla account on
Gnome, I can go and email the list there. However, the model where I
decide (me and a few thousand other people) that I don't like one
particular minor feature of Gnome and should go to their mailing list,
sign up to send one email moaning about it and never show up again
doesn't strike me as the best method. Fedora, it has been pointed out,
is the distro that pushes new gnome. If the Fedora maintainers have a
good relationship with gnome then perhaps they can more productively
pass on the message 'actually our users have a big problem with this,
please reconsider' than a horde of Fedora users descending on the
gnome development list. Especially since the gnome people do sometimes
seem to think individual users opinions a bit irrelevant.

This list is a good place to discuss and say 'this works well on
Fedora' or 'this doesn't work well on Fedora'. If there's no effective
place to try and get Fedora fixed...


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