Grub2 MBR issues

Joe Zeff joe at
Wed May 2 21:01:00 UTC 2012

On 05/02/2012 01:46 PM, Jeffrey Ross wrote:
> ok, misinformation from this post?
> Now the question is who is right?  I'm starting to believe the post I
> quoted above is incorrect.

It's possible that it was correct when written, but AFAICT it's wrong 
now.  I have two physical drives, with grub2 installed on sda, as you 
can clearly see here:

[root at khorlia ~]# file - </dev/sda
/dev/stdin: x86 boot sector; GRand Unified Bootloader, stage1 version 
0x3, boot drive 0x80, 1st sector stage2 0x686489a; partition 1: ID=0xc, 
active, starthead 1, startsector 63, 83885697 sectors; partition 2: 
ID=0x83, starthead 254, startsector 83891430, 401625 sectors; partition 
3: ID=0x83, starthead 254, startsector 84293055, 20964825 sectors; 
partition 4: ID=0x5, starthead 254, startsector 105257880, 54813780 
sectors, code offset 0x63
[root at khorlia ~]# file - </dev/sdb
/dev/stdin: x86 boot sector; partition 1: ID=0x8e, starthead 1, 
startsector 63, 8001 sectors; partition 2: ID=0x83, starthead 0, 
startsector 8064, 3499776 sectors; partition 3: ID=0x5, active, 
starthead 0, startsector 3507840, 2838528 sectors, code offset 0x2

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