Grub2 MBR issues

Joel Rees joel.rees at
Thu May 3 01:06:43 UTC 2012

On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 5:46 AM, Jeffrey Ross <jeff at> wrote:
>>> My concern is if I were to loose /dev/sda I want to be able to boot via
>>> /dev/sdb.
>> yes, because /dev/sda does NOt have GRUB, /dev/sdb has
>>> Or am I reading the output from file wrong and its actually /dev/sda
>>> that
>>> doesn't have grub2 installed on it?
>> you see "GRand Unified Bootloader" on /dev/sdb and not on /dev/sda
>> no idea howyou are interpreting your outputs
> ok, misinformation from this post?
> Now the question is who is right?  I'm starting to believe the post I
> quoted above is incorrect.
> Jeff

The information you will be missing when grub2 is loaded is the string
"GRUB version 0.94" when you do it that way.

Also, grub2 is a work in progress. Things will change.

But the particularly post you were referring to was probably
misinterpreting something, most likely the drive letters (which, as
you might know, tend not to be stable, and, particularly not the same
letters when grub sees them at boot as when the OS, including the grub
tools, see them after the boot-up process is complete).

Joel Rees

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