New 64-bit Fedora Will Not Mount Similar 32-bit Filesystem

Alan Feuerbacher alanf00 at
Sun Nov 4 19:22:30 UTC 2012

On 11/4/2012 2:07 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:

>> As you can see, lsblk displays information about /dev/sdc, and shows the mount that I did earlier ("mount /dev/sdc1
>> /mnt/fedora32"), and shows sdc1 as an ext4 filesystem, but shows nothing about sdc2 other than that it exists. Any
>> suggestions?
> so are you sure that the old setup used LVM at all?

Absolutely. I didn't mention this, but during the last several days I've 
tried a lot of different things to be able to look at the files on 
/dev/sdc, and there were plenty of confirmations of that. Furthermore, 
after the 32-bit installation was done, I often looked at the output of 
fdisk, and it ALWAYS showed LVM information -- pretty much the same 
information as fdisk now shows about the 64-bit installation, except for 
differences in the physical attibutes of the hard disks.

> you said "/dev/sdc1" looks like /boot of the old install
> so i bet /dev/sdc2 is the system-disk and if you did not
> have a seperated /home what else do you search?

I don't really understand your question. But when I did fdisk on the 
32-bit system (when it was up and running; it's disassembled now), 
/dev/sdc1 was always listed as /boot. And /dev/sdc2 was always broken up 
into the logical volumes /, swap and /home -- just like the new 64-bit 
installation is.


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