Multiple default routes, same subnet

Fernando Gozalo fgozalo0 at
Fri Nov 9 19:35:57 UTC 2012


> I have two internet links, from different ISPs for my office network,
> each one with it's own router (which is a linux PC) so I don't loose
> internet connectivity easily. One ISP has a much higher bandwitch, so
> usually all my computers use it as the default gateway. The other one is
> intended as a contingency link.

Another point of view for your problem. As one router/link is master and
the other is backup and both are linux PC, you can configure VRRP in the
LAN side of both of them using as virtual IP the IP configured as default
gateway in all your computers. You can have in the master router a script
that monitors the internet link and change the priority of the VRRP config
according with the status of the internet link.


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