Why did they f*ck with GIMP?

Alan Evans ame.fedora at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 18:32:45 UTC 2012

On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 11:27 AM, fred smith wrote:
> because there's been a LOT of whining from many people about the multi-
> window interface. Allegedly it alienates Photoshop users, preventing
> them from being willing to learn to  use Gimp (and Linux, et al.)

There seems to be a lot of hatred here (even in this thread) for the
multi-window interface. But I, for one, wish that *more* applications
implemented it.

It is seriously the only way to go when you have multiple monitors and
edit a lot of images simultaneously. (Try to imagine stretching a
single-window interface across three screens. Ick.)


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