Grub2 problems

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Tue Aug 6 07:14:46 UTC 2013

On Mon, 2013-08-05 at 13:58 -0700, Rick Stevens wrote:
> The entry skipping is probably caused by the same reason you're seeing
> double characters...for some reason your keyboard is "bouncing". Can
> you try plugging the keyboard into a different USB port, just to see
> if it's something weird with the way the port you're using is being
> handled?

I'd be very surprised at any half-way decent keyboard doing that (of
course, it can happen, but...).  Key debouncing should be done on the
encoder in the keyboard, itself.

My thought would be with key repeat speeds, perhaps the BIOS is set very
high, with no wait period, and GRUB is using BIOS settings.

Check both suggestions, anyway.

For what it's worth, I found it impossible to modify GRUB settings on
Fedora 17, on one of my PCs.  You can navigate your way to the part of
the kernel line you want to change, but any changes you attempt to make
happen somewhere else on the line.

[tim at localhost ~]$ uname -r

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