Unlocking LUKS with a USB drive

Odie5533 odiegit at aol.com
Sun Aug 25 05:26:41 UTC 2013

On 8/21/2013 11:59 PM, Mateusz Marzantowicz wrote:
> Now, unlocking of LUKS partitions is handled by systemd
> (src/cryptsetup/*) but as you already know it doesn't work. I don't know
> if it's a bug or not implements yet feature but it worked with dracut
> and doesn't work with systemd.
> There is a temporary workaroud that enables key based unlocking. You
> have to edit /etc/dracut.conf and add omit_dracutmodules+=" systemd ".
> Then regenerate initramfs.
> For two factor unlocking you may have to modify systemd or dracut.
> Mateusz Marzantowicz

Thank you so much for the workaround. It is working in Fedora 19 for me,
and I was able to use the old cryptroot-ask.sh file. Going forward, how
can I modify the systemd services on Fedora 19 to allow for a key file
located on a USB drive and allow for two factor authentication? In
Fedora it is not clear to me how to make changes to the
systemd-cryptsetup process chain.

Thank you,

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