Custom Partition Fedora 18

Ralf Corsepius rc040203 at
Tue Feb 19 15:53:01 UTC 2013

On 02/19/2013 02:53 PM, jonc wrote:
> On 02/19/2013 08:26 AM, Gordan Bobic wrote:
>> How many other current distributions not based on Fedora actually use
>> Gnome 3?

Distos using a DE/distros shipping a DE != Enterprises actively 
supporting, financing or actively development of a DE.

That said, from a mere user's point of view, current DE-development 
separates into
* Ubuntu financing and pushing Unity.
* RH financing and pushing Gnome3
* SuSE financing and pushing KDE.

Distros' involvements into "foreign DEs" condenses into "repackaging and 
adapting upstreams" without much actual development.
It's what e.g. Fedora does with KDE and openSUSE does with Gnome.

>> I haven't checked because I have no interest in using Gnome
>> 3, but it might be an interesting thing to look into before drawing
>> any conclusions.

Let me try to rephrase my previous mail's intention: I'd expect 
everybody to defend his baby rsp. to be convinced about his baby.

  In other words: Like any parent, I am not expecting the RH-paid Gnome 
devs to be critical about Gnome nor am I expecting them to be able to 
comprehend/understand why people are complaining. They are the parents, 
they are too close, they are biased.

> Since it's Gnome Shell, not Gnome 3, that annoys people,
It's these "modally tiled UI" which do not meet my "menu-based/multi 
workspace" dominated office-workflow and lack of customizability of the 
DE. That's why neither Unity, Gnome 3 nor Cinnamon meet my demands.


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