RPM wildcard question

Wojciech Komornicki wnk at hamline.edu
Thu Jan 24 17:26:16 UTC 2013

Expansion of the asterisk is handled by the shell.  To see what such a command 
will do, issue the command 
         echo *.rpm
You will see the full list of RPMs.
Wojciech Komornicki

The goal of collegiate mathematics is the understanding of mathematical ideas per se. The role of
applications is to enhance that understanding and not vice versa.
                                                                                     Saunders Mac Lane

>>>>> "Doug" == Doug  <dmcgarrett at optonline.net> writes:

  Doug:> If you have a directory with a whole batch of RPMs, all part
  Doug:> of some program suite, is it possible to use a wildcard to
  Doug:> install all of the RPMs at once, like so:
  Doug:>                             rpm -Uvh *.rpm
  Doug:> If not is there some other simple way ot do it? The program
  Doug:> in question has about 20 RPMs. (No, I don't know why they
  Doug:> did it this way.)

  Doug:> Thanx--doug

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