Upgrade disaster F16->F17 (planned to go to F18)

Joe Zeff joe at zeff.us
Thu Jan 31 03:32:53 UTC 2013

On 01/30/2013 07:06 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> rpm -q kernel
> This will list all the kernel packages you have installed. Presuming
> that you have indeed booted an older F16 kernel, after running
> rpm -e kernel-<version>-<release>
> naming the specific F17 kernel package that croaks when you try to boot,
> this should remove it.
> After which you should be able to yum update to the most recent kernel
> package, and any other packages that need to be updated.

You can also run this if you prefer:

yum list installed kernel

yum remove kernel-FOO.fc17

Unless you're using something like kmod-nvidia that's kernel-version 
specific there's no real difference.  If you are, yum will clean this up 
as well.

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