Permissions on /var/log/ files

Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Wed Jul 17 19:24:27 UTC 2013

Am 17.07.2013 21:15, schrieb Joe Zeff:
> On 07/17/2013 11:18 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> i did: "otherwise my /var/log/maillog on my workstation would not have 644"
>> this is "logrotaded" - logrotate keeps the permissions/owner/group if
>> not specified like below (which is my own config-piece)
>> /var/log/scriptlog {
>>      missingok
>>      notifempty
>>      size 30k
>>      create 0644 root root
>> }
> I'm the only person who ever uses my laptop.  If I wanted, then, I could use this to make /var/log/messages world
> readable for convenience.  No, I'm not going to do it because unless I do it to all of my machines it's too
> confusing to remember which ones I've done it to and which I haven't, and I don't think it's a good idea in
> general.  (If nothing else, needing root access to read that file reminds you that what you're doing is "admin
> stuff," not normal user things.)

this is a very very bad reminder because you do not
all day long "cat /var/log/messages"

in your /root/.basrc leading to a red prompt is a much better one

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