The state of blu-ray burning in linux is terrible

Tom Horsley horsley1953 at
Mon Jul 29 13:35:09 UTC 2013

On Mon, 29 Jul 2013 07:50:38 -0500
Richard Shaw wrote:

> Still ran out of "writable" space on the disc at about 97.7% complete so I
> guess it needs to be a little smaller. If anyone is wondering I'm getting
> the "count" from:

Blu-rays are exceedingly funky. There is total space, then there is "formatted
space", where there is space reserved for the hardware to try writing
a new copy of a sector that failed. A lot of writer software turns on
the formatted mode by default. I went through a lot of this getting my
isopack software to write to blu-ray, and wrote up some of it here:

Of course I also had a batch of media that would always fail around
97, 98%. The new media I got is working fine.

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