
Josh Johnston fedorajosh at outlook.com
Wed May 1 13:44:31 UTC 2013

> I have good reasons to express myself in the manner that I do; reasons that you probably don't want anything to do
> with, much less hear about. In this context, much of it has to do with that you all want to shit on me rather than
> work with me.
Maybe we'd be more willing to work with you if we agreed with the statement you have made. You're an offensive asshole. The fact of the matter is quite simple -- The term "hacker" in today's language signifies unauthorized use of computer systems or data. As a whole, *WE* see NO point in changing the meaning because the perception will be the same no matter what. Why don't you look at this in a different light and identify yourself as a developer instead of a hacker. My two cents.

Josh Johnston
fedorajosh at outlook.com 		 	   		  

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