Device Drivers in Fedora 18

আনন্দ কুমার সমাদ্দার Ananda Samaddar ananda at
Sat May 18 20:49:01 UTC 2013

On Sat, 18 May 2013 14:37:22 -0600
Alan Findly <afindly at> wrote:

> Dear users,
>    I am on the verge of a rather thorough hardware upgrade, ie. 
> motherboard/cpu, and in addition want to migrate from XP 32 to Fedora
> 18 64.  So, now it occurs to me that all the drivers from Windoze
> will be gone--are there drivers in the Fedora CD package, or will I
> have to hunt them down?  Actually, there may be a more basic driver
> issue--namely, running the CD player itself: the driver won't be
> loaded yet.  Is this a problem?  I also have an ISO image on USB, if
> needed. Thanks for any info.

The drivers should be included in the kernel.  There are no add-on
drivers as such for Linux distros;  the exception being proprietary
video drivers and some exotic hardware that has vendor supplied
drivers.  In short your system should boot and work fine.


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