installiing joomla

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Mon Sep 16 13:08:24 UTC 2013

On Sun, 2013-09-15 at 21:37 +1000, Roger wrote:
> I solved it by:
> cd /var/www/html
> sudo mkdir tester

Ugh...  Make special areas (whether they be virtual hosts, or writable
areas, etc.) outside of the tree.  By way of example, you don't want
someone to be able to navigate into a virtual host by simply appending
the directory name to the end of some other website address.

e.g.  /var/www/html       (default website)
      /var/www/html/bad   (a badly filepathed virtual host)
      /var/www/better     (a better filepathed virtual host)

Let's say the first one is, the second one is where is served from, and the third is

I can get into by browsing

That's a bad idea if they're meant to be completely independent sites.
It also means you need to make up extra rules, to cover filepaths and
URIs, for each of the ways someone could access them, if you need to
impose restrictions on the /bad files differently from the default
website.  Otherwise, someone can sidestep your rules.  And break
anything that relies on them using the right URIs.

Contrariwise, I cannot get into from any other
address, I have to enter it via its own address.

As I'm sure others have explained, writable areas should be kept
separate, in a similar fashion (outside of the tree).  Applications that
write should only be able to write to their own special places.  The
server should read from them, probably using that application in the
middle, to process the data.  You don't want someone to be able to
directly access the data, unless it's meant to be directly accessible.

If you have some application that insists you run your server in a
vulnerable manner, ditch it.  A shiny interface to a turd, is still an
interface to a turd.

Way OT:  I've spent the last week surrounded by cows, sheep, and
woodcutters in our state fair, so haven't had a chance to do much
emailing.  For what it's worth, Fedora was used to reliably give the
counts to start our races for the last week.  Using a tiny script I
wrote to give the officials a one-button start/stop remote control to
mplayer playing an ogg file.

[tim at localhost ~]$ uname -r

Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored.  I
read messages from the public lists.

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