debuginfo install: file /usr/lib/debug from PKG conflicts with file from package gtk2-debuginfo-2.24.22-2.fc19.i686

Frantisek Hanzlik franta at
Wed Apr 16 06:15:42 UTC 2014

I did build some rpm package. Now when I install it's debuginfo rpm
(by 'rpm -i PKG-debuginfo-VER-REL.fc19.i686.rpm'), I got lot of errors
such as:
file /usr/lib/debug from install of PKG-debuginfo-VER-REL.fc19.i686.rpm
conflicts with file from package hunspell-debuginfo-1.3.2-13.fc19.i686

where files (it are directories) are

and it conflict perhaps with all -debuginfo packages which are
 installed from Fedora/Rpmfusion/ATrpms repos.

It seems as the problem is in directories permissions - in filesystem
these are 0755, but in my debuginfo package these rights appear to be

Thus my questions:
- debuginfo packages are automatically generated and I not see any
option how set permissions at these directories. How is possible set
correct values there?

- Is some way how install debuginfo pkg with bad permissions? E.g.
with rpm/yum/debuginfo-install (this tool has too short man page)?
It is perhaps possible manually uncpio debuginfo package, but... ;)

Thanks, Franta

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