akmod isn't reliable

Marko Vojinovic vvmarko at gmail.com
Fri Jan 3 04:31:16 UTC 2014

On Thu, 2 Jan 2014 21:48:32 +0000
"Powell, Michael" <Michael_Powell at mentor.com> wrote:

> I guess this is more of a general question, but sometimes after
> updating the kernel or nvidia drivers an akmod isn't regenerated and
> my system will begin to boot, fedora logo will show, but eventually
> it will dump to the systemd log of services being started and just
> sit there. I have all the required dependencies before the update
> because I can simply reboot to runlevel 1 or if I have an older
> kernel boot it and then manually `akmods --kernels`.
> So the question is... why isn't regeneration of the akmod reliable?

I think it is reliable, you just need to wait it out. The rebuilding of
akmod is being done for a given kernel while that kernel is running, so
when you update the kernel, the akmod doesn't get built until you boot
into it. And when you boot into it, systemd will at some point try to
activate the akmod, find out that it doesn't exist, fail, and initiate
a rebuild.

The rebuild takes some minutes to complete, after which it will write
out something like:

    Please wait, this may take some time...

// I never figured why the first line isn't written *before* the
build starts, but only after it finished, when it is completely
useless... //

Once the modules have been rebuilt, the boot will continue. Subsequent
boots (for that kernel) will not require a rebuild and will be
regularly short.

HTH, :-)

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