why do we use systemd?

David Benfell benfell at parts-unknown.org
Sun Jul 6 01:40:42 UTC 2014

Kevin Fenzi writes:

> On Sat, 05 Jul 2014 18:10:45 -0700
> David Benfell <benfell at parts-unknown.org> wrote:
> Were you tying your services to specific IP addresses?

I have ten IP addresses, one for each of several domains and subdomains. At  
the time I made this decision, SNI didn't work, at least for me, and from  
what I can see, it still seems problematic.
> I'm curious why this would have changed for you folks so recently.
> Was this a bug with systemd-208-19.fc20?

I believe so. It only appeared a few days ago. I hadn't been messing with  
any of this stuff, so at first I hoped it was just some weird one-off  
problem. The second time, well....
>> Which returns us back--and I hope I'm recalling the initial posting
>> in this thread correctly--to the beginning of this thread. Do we
>> really need this complexity for the sake of a few seconds?
> No. We need it for all the other reasons.
> Lennarts blog host seems to be having some problem, but from google
> cache:
> http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:rm-N94-I044J: 
> 0pointer.de/blog/projects/why.html+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
> Theres tons and tons of things that systemd does well that there was no
> way to do in the sysvinit world.

What I see here is mostly stuff I don't understand. I got by just fine  
without it. So why, really, do I need it? That explanation appears to be  
missing--unless you just automatically choose the latest, greatest, shiny  

David Benfell
See https://parts-unknown.org/node/2 if you do not understand the  
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