why do we use systemd?

David Benfell benfell at parts-unknown.org
Sun Jul 6 20:34:24 UTC 2014

Kevin Fenzi writes:
>> How do you query this output?  I just look at the logfile, and when
>> it's not there, I never see it.  What's the advantage of hiding
>> output like that?
> journalctl -u servicename

In all the times I've looked at the man pages for journalctl, I've never  
noticed this.  Instead all I've ever found is some other weirdness about  
_SYSTEMD_UNIT= (I think, but don't actually remember) which I can never  
even hope to remember.

Looking at the man page, *now* that you point it out, I see the option.  
Buried among so much other unintelligible material.

Poettering reminds me of a teenager who thinks the world would be perfect  
if everybody just did things his (gender-biased language *might* be  
appropriate here) way. The difference is that distributions are giving  
Poettering his way.

And in the process, they're tossing out all the well-established ways of  
doing things. And users are supposed to learn and understand  
incomprehensible material at the same time they're trying to fix something.

Systemd needs to be a vast improvement to justify this. And it seems that  
not everyone even agrees that it's an improvement at all.

I really prefer using grep and less on a plain text log file that gets  
rotated so it is of manageable length. It's simple. It works. It's  
reliable. Which is just what I need when something is broken.

David Benfell
See https://parts-unknown.org/node/2 if you do not understand the  
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