why do we use systemd?

Patrick O'Callaghan pocallaghan at gmail.com
Mon Jul 7 18:17:49 UTC 2014

On Mon, 2014-07-07 at 15:11 +0200, poma wrote:
> >> You do not understand your own terminology!? :)
> >
> > Yeah sure, that's what I meant. Not.
> >
> > poc
> >
> You see, you expect systemd to be understandable, however you alone
> weren't understandable here. :)

Seriously? The only person who appears to have misunderstood what I said
is you. I say "appears" because at first I thought you were joking. In
fact I'm still not sure you aren't. Just in case there is any remaining
ambiguity, the referent for "it" in my comment was "systemd" (you know,
the thing we're talking about here?). It's simply not credible that the
referent could be the non-existent terminology that I haven't invented.

> Perhaps 'man systemd-what-i-thought' would be helpful to many people
> here, but those who complain anyway are lazy per se, or they do not
> care, or are themselves ignorant or are just lame provocateurs etc.
> What I do not understand why you are trying to align with that group
> despite your great experience in the branche.
> We should seek advice from you, not vice versa. ;)

I see it all now. The people who complain that they don't understand the
terminology are lazy or ignorant or have an agenda. There's no way any
of the responsibility for that lies with the docs themselves. Why didn't
I realize that before?


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