why do we use systemd?

poma pomidorabelisima at gmail.com
Tue Jul 8 00:12:30 UTC 2014

On 08.07.2014 01:39, Joe Zeff wrote:

> You do understand, don't you, that he's just publicly killfiled you and
> that he won't be seeing your response?  The only reason, BTW, that I
> haven't done the same, yet, is because you sometimes say something
> that's both relevant and useful.  So far, your signal/noise ratio has
> been high enough that I'm willing to put up with you, but it's been
> getting very close lately.  Frankly, I'm astonished that you haven't
> been subjected to moderation because you've been so abusive.

Thank you very much but your interpretation is unnecessary.
And please don't project your frustrations on me, and do not call on others to do the same.
That is abusive.


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