Does the gpg-agent keeps the keys unlocked for the session?

Sudhir Khanger sudhir at
Wed Jul 16 04:06:04 UTC 2014

On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 8:57 AM, Ed Greshko <ed.greshko at> wrote:
> First, when it comes to gpg-agent, I believe the cache time for the passphrase is determined by --default-cache-ttl which defaults to 600 seconds.  This can be changed on a per-user basis in the ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf file.

You are right. If we are only talking about gpg-agent keeping cache
then it will inevitably expire in maximum 2 hours. Those are the
default settings even if you don't set ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf.

--default-cache-ttl n: Set the time a cache entry is valid to n
seconds. The default is 600 seconds.
--max-cache-ttl n: Set the maximum time a cache entry is valid to n
seconds. The default is 2 hours (7200 seconds).

> Then, when it comes to kwallet, it can be configured to "Close Wallet" based on 3 criteria.  I have mine simply set to "Close when last application stops using it" and I never get prompted again during a login session.

In a gpg-encrypted kwallet, as along as gpg-agent can keep gpg key
unlocked, it can unlock the kwallet right away even if it locks
itself. Does that make sense.

Sudhir Khanger.

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