TB - Sort add-on

jd1008 jd1008 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 17:06:46 UTC 2015

On 07/06/2015 10:59 AM, g wrote:
> On 07/06/15 11:46, jd1008 wrote:
> <<>>
>> Add to this is that the entire mozilla libraries are still
>> using 32 bit file size limits!
>> Just tried it by catenating many folders into a single folder
>> exceeding 4GB (11.8 GB, to be exact).
>> I then tried to move a message into the huge folder.
>> It popped the alert banner (Yellow Triangle with a bang in it), saying:
>> The folder HugeFolder is full, and can't hold any more messages. To make
>> room for more messages, delete any old or unwanted mail and compact the
>> folder.
> that is interesting, because the oos know it all's claim that there is
> no limit.
> looks like you may have to sort by year also.
>> Hey guys, we are in the 21st century, and mozilla is still living in the
>> first
>> incarnation of the 32bit filesystems era (I forget what year that was :) )
> you are dreaming if you think the devs will do anything about is.
It is worse than that.
In all the bugs filed against TB (and thus, indirectly against the 
Mozilla libraries)
have been closed as either insufficient data or dupplicate of some other
bug which has been closed as fixed.

These guys are really doped :)

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