Fedora21/22 grub doesn't recognize my raid1/LVM partitions

John Wright jwright2 at san.rr.com
Mon Jul 13 21:24:12 UTC 2015

On Mon Jul 13 18:52:16 UTC 2015 Chris Murphy typed:

>>> So there's the kernel bug, 1225671, that ends up stopping the arrays,
>>> but then there's a misleading message saying there's a problem that's
>>> been corrected, yet clearly not corrected.
>> The exact wording of the message is:
>> 'Unexpected system error. The system has encountered a problem and
>> recovered.'
>This is a message in the installer itself? Or is this a GNOME
>notification (a floating thing from the top-center)? I'm going to
>guess it's not in the installer because I've always seen it spit out
>the exact error message into the anaconda.log (or program.log if it's
>a helper program's error) and I don't see that in your attached logs.
>But I also don't see it in the journal either, so... I'm baffled
>exactly what system error it's referring to as well as this supposed
>recovery. GNOME bug... haha.

The precise appearance of the error message is as follows:

A small dark rectangular box appears at the top center of the blue
wallpaper page.  The box contains a large frowny-face and the words:

'Oops, sorry, it looks like a problem occurred. If you'd like to help

On mouseover, the box expands to finish the sentence '...the issue,
please send a report.', followed by a darker area at the bottom of
the box containing the word 'Report'.  Clicking on 'Report' opens
a large light colored box with the '...encountered a problem and
recovered' message, plus:

Version 4.04.301.fc22.x86_64

plus boxes labeled 'Details' and 'log'.  Clicking on 'log' opens a
window that announces that the bug has already been reported, allows
a login to bugzilla, thus adding my name to the cc for the bug, and
a link to the bug, BZ 1225671.


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