Fedora21/22 grub doesn't recognize my raid1/LVM partitions

Chris Murphy lists at colorremedies.com
Mon Jul 13 23:52:53 UTC 2015

On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 3:24 PM, John Wright <jwright2 at san.rr.com> wrote:

> The precise appearance of the error message is as follows:
> A small dark rectangular box appears at the top center of the blue
> wallpaper page.  The box contains a large frowny-face and the words:

That's an abrt message coming through the GNOME notification system.
So it's picking up the oops.

> 'Oops, sorry, it looks like a problem occurred. If you'd like to help
> resolve...'
> On mouseover, the box expands to finish the sentence '...the issue,
> please send a report.', followed by a darker area at the bottom of
> the box containing the word 'Report'.  Clicking on 'Report' opens
> a large light colored box with the '...encountered a problem and
> recovered' message, plus:

I'm not sure what it means by recovered. I guess it means the kernel
oops didn't cause a panic?

It'd be nice if the installer could provide some error handling for
such cases, but really a kernel oops is something that just shouldn't
happen. Had this been reported and marked as a blocker for Fedora 22,
I'm very confident it would have been accepted as a blocker because it
very clearly violates a beta release criterion.

This is a QA recruitment drive! The testing matrix for Fedora has
really exploded lately, and all the features in the installer's custom
panel just makes it all the more likely (and in my opinion
increasingly likely) that bugs won't get caught unless the testing
base keeps up with the feature additions.

Chris Murphy

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