Creating kvm instance remotely

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Wed Jul 22 16:37:15 UTC 2015

On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 10:39:15AM -0400, Alex wrote:
> I have a fedora22 server with libvirt/kvm/qemu installed and would
> like to use it to create a number of kvm virtual instances remotely,
> non-interactively, according to my parameters (memory, disk layout,
> package options, etc).
> I'm aware of kickstart, but have never used it. Is that the best
> option, or is something like chef or puppet easier?

Kickstart is the way to go for the initial install. You can use a
config management system _after_ that. (Personally, I recommend
ansible, but it's up to you.)

> I've experimented with virt-install, but that apparently doesn't
> provide the ability to select all of the install config options like
> language, disk layout, IP address, etc.

It does, if you feed it a kickstart file.

Matthew Miller
<mattdm at>
Fedora Project Leader

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