Awk and sort (of text files)

Joe Zeff joe at
Mon Jun 29 19:15:20 UTC 2015

On 06/29/2015 12:06 PM, jd1008 wrote:
> Because ls is aliased in my profile, which is what I use most of the
> time :)

I kind of thought that.  By default, Fedora aliases ls (and grep) to use 
color, which I don't like.  I'd not mind it if there were a HUMAN 
READABLE chart telling me what color means what, but there isn't.  At 
first, I got rid of it by tracking down where the alias was created, but 
every update to bash trashed it.  Now, I've fixed it permanently by 
putting these two lines down near the bottom of .bashrc:

alias ls=ls
alias grep=grep

This undoes any unhelpful changes done by whoever it is that thinks that 
everybody wants things done the way they do.

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