Awk and sort (of text files)

jd1008 jd1008 at
Mon Jun 29 19:24:07 UTC 2015

On 06/29/2015 01:15 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
> On 06/29/2015 12:06 PM, jd1008 wrote:
>> Because ls is aliased in my profile, which is what I use most of the
>> time :)
> I kind of thought that.  By default, Fedora aliases ls (and grep) to 
> use color, which I don't like.  I'd not mind it if there were a HUMAN 
> READABLE chart telling me what color means what, but there isn't.  At 
> first, I got rid of it by tracking down where the alias was created, 
> but every update to bash trashed it.  Now, I've fixed it permanently 
> by putting these two lines down near the bottom of .bashrc:
> alias ls=ls
> alias grep=grep
> This undoes any unhelpful changes done by whoever it is that thinks 
> that everybody wants things done the way they do.
Well, The colors are definitely a problem, especially when the terminal 
has white
background and one of the colors is so faint it is impossible to discern 
the character :)
At this age, I do not need that aggravation.
I alias ls to this:

ls='/bin/ls -CF'

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