mpg123 not included, why?

Philip Brown philip.brown at
Mon Jan 11 16:59:04 UTC 2016

On 01/11/2016 05:35 PM, Tim wrote:
> Allegedly, on or about 11 January 2016, Philip Brown sent:
>> bad past experience, could have been livna, it was a long time ago and
>> I never used it since. I imagine it should be a lot better now,
>> however seeing as I only need these few files I prefer just to
>> download them rather than having an extra repo system.  The updates
>> for these rpms are few and far between (last updates were Sept 2014
>> and May 2015) so it does not really add much to my workload.
> Kinda hard to relate ancient experience to what might happen now, one
> doesn't necessarily demand the other.
> But still, there are easier and better ways to do it than force
> hand-unpacked files from an archive onto a system.  Such as:
> Download the few rpm files that concern you,
> then use yum localinstall with those files (or dnf).
> They're installed properly, then.  And if other files are needed at the
> same time, yum will get them, too.  The files are in the database so
> that other things are aware of their presence.  And they're easily
> removed, without breaking other things.

thanks, I appreciate the alternative method you have given. I will try 
that before going the "install repo" route if my setup breaks.
> It's just not a good idea to jam in files.  It's an even worse idea to
> advise someone to do it.  More so if it's not given with full warning.


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