[fedora-virt] Fedora virt status for December 2012

Cole Robinson crobinso at redhat.com
Sun Jan 6 20:26:52 UTC 2013

Happy New Year! Here's some of happenings with Fedora virt in December.

  Fedora 18 and Fedora 19

F18 was delayed an additional week, as of this writing the final release is
scheduled for Tuesday January 15th. For all things virt related F18 is
essentially wrapped up.

Due to all the Fedora 18 delays, the Fedora 19 cycle will be much shorter,
aiming for a late May release. Currently the feature submission deadline is
scheduled for January 29th, so expect some news about F19 features next month.

  QEMU 1.3 Release

QEMU 1.3 was released on December 3rd. Highlights from the changelog:

* Option to use linux VFIO driver to assign PCI devices
* Many USB3 improvements
* New paravirtualized hardware random number generator device.
* Support for Glusterfs volumes with "gluster://" -drive URI
* Block job commands for live block commit and storage migration

The full changelog is here:


However several issues have prevented shipping a build in rawhide:


There have been a few patches upstream and offlist that should help things, I
need to do another round of testing.

Additionally, qemu 1.2.2 stable was released, now pushed to F18:


  Libvirt 1.0.1 released

Libvirt 1.0.1 was released on December 17th. Feature highlights:

* Introduce virtlockd daemon
* Add virDomainSendProcessSignal API
* Introduce virDomainFSTrim() public API
* Add fuse support for libvirt LXC
* Add Gluster protocol as supported network disk backend
* Various snapshot improvements

Additionally, maintenance releases for 0.10.2 and 0.9.11 were released, and
submitted as Fedora updates:


  Virtio Windows drivers updated

There's a new virtio-win iso available containing many bugfixes:


Let the list know if you hit any problems.

  Bug stats

Bug count on Dec 04 2012: 252
Bug count on Jan 06 2013: 248

Yay, we went down at least :) Though there are still quite a few candidates
for triage. And as usual there's about 10 bugs in POST waiting for a build,
and 15 in MODIFIED/ON_QA waiting to be auto-closed.

By release:
    * Fedora 16          : 47
    * Fedora 17          : 94
    * Fedora 18          : 84
    * Fedora rawhide     : 23

By package:
    * gnome-boxes        : 14
    * gtk-vnc            : 2
    * ipxe               : 2
    * libguestfs         : 1
    * libosinfo          : 9
    * libseccomp         : 1
    * libvirt            : 54
    * libvirt-cim        : 3
    * libvirt-glib       : 2
    * libvirt-qmf        : 1
    * libvirt-sandbox    : 10
    * netcf              : 5
    * qemu               : 72
    * spice-gtk          : 6
    * spice-vdagent      : 1
    * usbredir           : 1
    * virt-dmesg         : 1
    * virt-manager       : 17
    * virt-v2v           : 4
    * virt-viewer        : 7
    * virt-what          : 2
    * xen                : 12
    * xorg-x11-drv-cirrus: 3
    * xorg-x11-drv-qxl   : 17

  Bugs of note

CVE-2012-3411 libvirt needs to use new dnsmasq option to avoid open DNS proxy

CVE that needs dnsmasq and libvirt updates to fix. The first libvirt build
had a bit of a regression if NetworkManager was configured to use dnsmasq. F18
and F17 stable repos should have all the fixed packages now.


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