What's up with the new getfedora ?

Kévin Raymond shaiton at fedoraproject.org
Fri Nov 14 14:24:29 UTC 2014


Really I don't get why all fedora related mails are filtered as read
on my mailbox.
Somehow I have completely broken filters year ago.
I enjoyed the sleeping time that I won from that error but still I am
looking forward the Fedora Community and the amazing products that we
were building.

[I'll try to correct that filter soon]

where is the wikipage describing the work plan?
when should be published the new website for the trans team ? (don't
answer me on Release day please).
why do we still speak about design when we should be finishing our code?
then, when is the final deadline about design and mockups

Please help me join the workforce ;)

Kévin Raymond

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