Default wallpaper for the f15 Xfce spin?

Kevin Fenzi kevin at
Wed Jan 5 20:40:57 UTC 2011

On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 20:14:08 +0100
Johannes Lips <johannes.lips at> wrote:

> Hey,
> I recently stumbled over the discussion including the default gnome 3 
> wallpaper in the fedora livecd desktop.
> I think recently the fedora design team agreed to use it.
> Perhaps we should also step in and say that we would use the
> wallpaper which will be produced by the design team just to show our
> support and appreciation for their work.
> Is this ok for all of us?

I'd be fine with that. I don't want to use the Gnome one... and I
personally don't have any skill with making them. ;) 

So, if design folks were willing to make a wallpaper, I'd be happy
using it. 

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