Interested in Helping

Nathan Thomas nathan.thomas at
Tue Jan 18 20:14:54 UTC 2011

>        * There hardly is any documentation in Fedora and Kevin and me are
>          no documentation guys. If you want to help here, please get in
>          touch with John Babich. It would be awesome if we had a proper
>          documentation for Xfce 4.8 in Fedora 15.

I'm involved in the Fedora Docs Project, and I've been trying to keep 
Xfce-related things updated and add missing bits here and there. 
Updating the existing documentation for Xfce 4.8 is going to be a big 
job though, so any help would be much appreciated! See for more info - 
documentation is written in Docbook XML and managed using the awesome 
Publican toolchain, but if you'd prefer to use the wiki or even just 
plain text I'd be happy to do the XML/git/Publican bits for you, just 
give me a shout!

Christoph (or anyone!), what do you think needs adding to the Fedora 
Xfce documentation? There's a brief outline of the Xfce desktop in the 
User Guide 
as well as notes on claws-mail, abiword and one or two other 
applications. What else would you like to see covered?

Best wishes,

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