Is there an http(s) server on the live spin?

ToddAndMargo ToddAndMargo at
Tue Jun 9 18:00:33 UTC 2015

On 06/09/2015 05:26 AM, Ron Leach wrote:
> List, good afternoon,
> Because we have only a slow Internet connection, and are capacity
> limited, we don't have a recent spin on which we could check whether
> there is an https server present or running.  We have some older spins,
> and these do not have any service running on localhost:80.  One reason
> for wondering whether there was an http server present is that we were
> thinking of using a live spin on a spare laptop to create a temporary
> web-server, for example at an offsite event, or even in our own network
> for temporarily serving whatever content.
> Is an http server included on the current spin?  If so, can it also
> provide https service, even if using a temporary self-signed certificate?
> Grateful for any information,
> regards, Ron

Hi Ron,

Not seeing one on with Fedora-Live-Xfce-x86_64-22-3.iso
You could always do a direct install to a USB stick and
do a dnf (yum) to install the http server.  That way,
it won't be volatile, like a live DVD.

Currently, the above iso will not correctly install to a
flash drive, but the gnome one from Fedora will.  Then
do an "dnf groupinstall xfce" to get Xfce.  (Gnome has
gotten really, really W-I-E-R-D.)


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