[ANZ] Installation

Marc Wiriadisastra mwiriadi at gmail.com
Tue Jul 2 23:03:53 UTC 2013

Hi Mohammad,

Quick question did you check the iso that it downloaded correctly?
Fedora provides an SHA1SUM which you can check against the ISO it might
be worth checking.

Historically for me on my computer I find it easier to install Fedora
than the other Ubuntu derived distros due to my Raid system which Fedora
deals with.


On Mon, 2013-07-01 at 23:38 +0000, Mohammad Hajarat wrote:
> After trying Ubuntu based OS (Ubuntu, Zorin, and Mint), I wanted to try Fedora as it looked more professional. I downloaded the 64 bit version and wanted to install on my lap top (Acer Aspire, i7). I chose Start Fedora, the screen gave a  couple of lines, first one saying "invalid iomem size, you may face problems", then it started to install showing the fedora logo in the middle, and once that gets finished, it shows a cursor and it freezes, nothing happens beyond that. Any solutions out there please. Or shall I just forget about Fedora?
> thank you
> Mohammad Hajarat
> P.O.Box 789, Gosford, NSW 2250
> Australia
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