Custom Partition Fedora 18

Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Sun Feb 17 21:39:53 UTC 2013

Am 17.02.2013 22:35, schrieb jonc:
> It's my understanding that Fedora's primary role is to evaluate and explore software for Red Hat, not necessarily
> to produce a stable consumer-level product.  That's very much Ubuntu's mission, but it isn't Fedora's. I expect
> Ubuntu not to break.  I expect Fedora to break.  Oddly, in my own experience, they both break about the same amount.

i expect NO DISTRIBUTION to break

if a distribution breaks repeatly the development process is broken
and fedoras is broken since some releases

there are feautres accepted for rawhide while work is going on
in the current release, there is not time to settle, there is
always rush to invent the next whell instead try to get the
current one running round

this way of software development will not lead in stable software

you can guess why opens ource software like apache is taht stable
and relieable: becasue they do not try to re.invent the wheel
every few months

and no, settle doe snot mean stop development
it does mean think and plan BEFORE development

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