Custom Partition Fedora 18

jonc jonc at
Sun Feb 17 22:22:56 UTC 2013

On 02/17/2013 04:39 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 17.02.2013 22:35, schrieb jonc:
>> It's my understanding that Fedora's primary role is to evaluate and explore software for Red Hat, not necessarily
>> to produce a stable consumer-level product.  That's very much Ubuntu's mission, but it isn't Fedora's. I expect
>> Ubuntu not to break.  I expect Fedora to break.  Oddly, in my own experience, they both break about the same amount.
> i expect NO DISTRIBUTION to break

I don't think meeting that criterion is part of Fedora's objectives, any 
more than it is part of Debian Sid's objectives. People may or may not 
agree that Fedora follows an appropriate development path, but it seems 
obvious that pushing the edges is antithetical to producing a rock-solid 

Fedora 18 with Gnome Shell has been pretty good for me.  Can I say that 
about every Fedora release? No.  There was a release, for instance, that 
I couldn't install. So, if this F18 installation goes up in smoke, I'll 
move on, no hard feelings. And, certainly, if I was doing anything that 
*had* to be break-free, I wouldn't be using Fedora.  I'd most likely (go 
back) to using CentOS.

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