AM/PM in Thunderbird -

Patrick O'Callaghan pocallaghan at
Thu Feb 27 10:24:18 UTC 2014

On Thu, 2014-02-27 at 07:36 +0600, g wrote:
> also, understand that i am not, nor have i intended to infer,
> that the *exact* same _process_, including the pid, is restarted,
> only that the *processes* on the task bar are _restarted_.

As long as we agree that "restarted" is not the same as "continued",
that is exactly the point I'm trying to make.

In your earlier posts you appear to say that a change in process
environment (e.g. caused by modifying an exported Shell variable) can
affect the behaviour of other processes not descended from it. That's
the conclusion I draw from your earlier description of what's happening
in various terminals, but please correct me if I've misunderstood.

My suggestion about listing PIDs is merely to illustrate that by ending
a KDE session and starting another one you get a different set of
processes, so environment changes occurring prior to the new session
will be reflected in the new processes. However if instead of ending the
session you merely execute a new terminal that doesn't inherit from one
where you made the change (say by clicking on the desktop menu) then the
environment of that new process will be the unmodified version as seen
by the rest of the current session.

IOW, if you want an environment change to be seen by the entire session,
the only practical way to do it is by terminating the session and
running another one. This is most commonly done by logging out and in


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