Hello all,
until today, most of our test logs went to, an OpenStack instance in fedorainfracloud.org.
However this cloud will shut down at the end of the month, so I set up an alternative. Initially, I thought that we could just log everything to <logs-https-cockpit.apps.ci.centos.org>, but unfortunately Routes in OpenShift only work for HTTP, not the SSH protocol.
So I set up an instance in AWS instead, which is now our new log sink: The first time you open a log, you will get a cert validation error. Unfortunately AWS doesn't support setting up DNS names (or it's really well hidden -- if you know how, please prod me!), so it's a bit hard to get a proper certificate. But it's the exact same cert as we use on image servers and our other log sinks.
Please let me know if you see any trouble with test logs.
Hello again,
Martin Pitt [2020-02-14 12:19 +0100]:
So I set up an instance in AWS instead, which is now our new log sink: The first time you open a log, you will get a cert validation error. Unfortunately AWS doesn't support setting up DNS names (or it's really well hidden -- if you know how, please prod me!), so it's a bit hard to get a proper certificate. But it's the exact same cert as we use on image servers and our other log sinks.
Thanks to Stephen Gallagher, we now have logs.cockpit-project.org pointing to that IP, so I updated the SANs of the certificate, and the log sink to use tha DNS name.