Hi everyone,
I somehow missed the nice site targeting developers. As an Eclipse and Fedora guy spending a lot of time on integration issue I would like to have Eclipse listed on the tools page. Content I'm looking to have there is:
*) basic info - howto install, basic usage
*) plugins shipped into fedora - if the page grows too much it can be split
*) fedora specific tools - eclipse fedorapackager[1], abrt integration [2] and others if/when they arrive
So how do you like the idea? Any recommendation for the place to put it? I'm looking towards tools page (where DevAssistant page is) but I would definetely need someone with better writing and design skills to beautify the "raw" content we will create.
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Packager_For_Eclipse_User_Guide)
[2] https://pagure.io/eclipse-abrt
Alexander Kurtakov
Red Hat Eclipse Team
Hello Everyone,
we have prepared a new release of Fedora Developer Portal, and we would
like to hear your feedback before pushing it into production. If everything
goes fine, we would like to make the release on Monday, April 25th.
This email is the first of its kind. I would like to send it every time
before release - to make sure, that we involve everyone who might be
interested. This time, I have also cc-ed 'websites' and 'devel' lists. All
future emails about new releases will go to the 'developer-portal' mailing
list only.
Current version: https://developer.fedoraproject.org/
New release in staging: https://developer.stg.fedoraproject.org/
What's new:
1) Design
- refreshed look with more uniform layout
- images in the header have been compressed
2) 'Edit this page' button on every page
- clicking this button gets you to the github repo, where you can edit
the content directly in your web browser and submit a pull-request
3) Including empty pages
- pages are shown with 'help needed' badge
- goal of this is to encourage people/make it easier to contribute
4) Start section
- including guides about Arduino and mobile applications using Google
Android Studio
5) Share your knowledge banner on each page
- with link to our contributing guides:
6) Using Google Analytics
- disabled 'demographics and interest reports'
- disabled 'enhanced link attribution'
- disabled 'remarketing'
- disabled 'advertising reporting features'
- basically, I want to use it only to track views and to see what is
most popular
I welcome any feedback or comments.
Thank you!
Have a great day,
Adam Samalik
Adam Šamalík
Associate Software Engineer
Red Hat
Post Devconf 2016, I had a short conversation with Petr Hracek regarding
adding content for Secondary architectures[1] in Fedora. I liked the idea
behind developer portal creation and the way currently it looks like.
Few people know how to work with Fedora Secondary architectures (e.g.
building packages, fixing architecture specific build failures, getting
access to a secondary architecture machines). One of the main reason for
adding Secondary Architectures content is to provide all sorts of required
and updated information to developers or newcomers at one place.
While writing about Secondary Architectures for developer portal, I noticed
that it doesn't fit well in any of the existing sections (taken from master
branch) which is Start a Project, Get tools, Languages & databases, Deploy
and distribute. Meanwhile, I thought why not create a new section which is
dedicated to Architectures in general.
A new section with name Architectures make sense to me where we can include:
* Information for all architectures on which Fedora deal with
* We can have three sub-sections:
* Primary Architectures - ARM v7, x86_64, i686
* Secondary Architectures - PowerPc, s3909x, AArch64
* Other Architectures - Not yet supported in Fedora e.g. Fedora
Remix for ARM
* Each architectures will be explained separately w.r.t. working with that
arch in Fedora
* Including common build failures in packages and possible reasons of
failures will also be useful for a package maintainers to fix build
failures quickly.
This is a draft proposal as per my working experience with Fedora. I have
worked a bit on it and attached a screenshot in email how this section
would look like. I understand that work is required to make UI consistent
with developer portal.
I would like to get your opinion/ feedback so that further work can be done
to see it available on Fedora Developer Portal.
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures#Secondary_Architectures