Bug ID: 1357510
Summary: Erlang Port Mapper Daemon Activation Socket fails to
Product: Fedora
Version: 24
Component: erlang
Assignee: lemenkov(a)
Reporter: zboszor(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: erlang(a), jeckersb(a),
lemenkov(a), rhbugs(a), s(a)
External Bug ID: Red Hat Bugzilla 1293128
Description of problem:
I was trying to enable SSL in rabbitmq-server but it requires epmd to run.
SELinux prevents epmd to start.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. dnf install rabbitmq-server
2. systemctl enable epmd.socket epmd.service rabbitmq-server
3. configure SSL options in /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config
4. reboot
Actual results:
epmd.service has a dependency on epmd.socket but it cannot be activated:
audit[1]: AVC avc: denied { create } for pid=1 comm="systemd"
tcontext=system_u:system_r:unconfined_service_t:s0 tclass=tcp_socket
There is no setsebool toggle to allow systemd to open TCP sockets.
Expected results:
EPMD daemon should be able to start without socket activation.
Additional info:
After changing the epmd.service to not require systemd socket activation
with this patch below, but #1293128 occurs:
audit[7686]: AVC avc: denied { name_connect } for pid=7686 comm="epmd"
dest=4369 scontext=system_u:system_r:init_t:s0
tcontext=system_u:object_r:epmd_port_t:s0 tclass=tcp_socket permissive=0
The patch is:
--- epmd.service.orig 2016-07-18 13:55:26.584086294 +0200
+++ epmd.service 2016-07-18 13:57:40.336416375 +0200
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
Description=Erlang Port Mapper Daemon
-ExecStart=/usr/bin/epmd -systemd
-#ExecStop=/usr/bin/epmd -kill
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/epmd -daemon
+ExecStop=/usr/bin/epmd -kill
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Bug ID: 1234567
Summary: Package should not ship a separate emacs sub-package
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Component: erlang
Assignee: lemenkov(a)
Reporter: jonathan.underwood(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: erlang(a), lemenkov(a),
rhbugs(a), s(a)
Blocks: 1234479
The Emacs add-on packaging guidelines no longer stipulate that packages which
also bundle support for Emacs should split out those Emacs files into separate
sub-packages. This package should instead ship those files with the main
package which should also Require emacs-filesystem. See for more detail.
Referenced Bugs:
[Bug 1234479] Violations of Emacs add-on packaging guidelines
You are receiving this mail because:
You are on the CC list for the bug.
Bug ID: 1231430
Summary: Missing jinterface maven metadata
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Component: erlang
Assignee: lemenkov(a)
Reporter: puntogil(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: erlang(a), lemenkov(a),
rhbugs(a), s(a)
Description of problem:
erlang-jinterface do not provides maven metadata, which used by some projects
e.g. (spring-erlang sub module)
The pom file is available but is not installed
and the JAR file should be placed in %_javadir
The spec file "should be" modified in this way:
%if %{?fedora} >= 21
BuildRequires: javapackages-local
BuildRequires: maven-local
jinterface_lib_dir="$(ls -d1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/erlang/lib/jinterface-*/
| sed "s,^$RPM_BUILD_ROOT,,")" test -d "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT$jinterface_lib_dir"
rm -rf "${jinterface_lib_dir}priv/OtpErlang.jar"
if the pom file is not processed
sed 's/%VSN%/%{version}/' <otp/lib/jinterface/java_src/pom.xml.src >pom.xml
generates maven metadata
%mvn_artifact [path of the processed pom file]/pom.xml [path of the built java
library]/[name of the java library].jar
install JAR file in %_javadir and generate a its symlink
%mvn_file org.erlang.otp:jinterface erlang/OtpErlang
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
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You are on the CC list for the bug.
Bug ID: 1358459
Summary: LDAP authentication is broken
Product: Fedora
Version: 24
Component: ejabberd
Assignee: lemenkov(a)
Reporter: arcfi(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: bowlofeggs(a),
erlang(a), jeremy(a),
lemenkov(a), martin(a)
Description of problem:
LDAP authentication is broken
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install ejabberd.
2. Configure LDAP authentication
Actual results:
<0.362.0>@eldap_pool:start_link:61 Err =
# sed --in-place --regexp-extended
--expression='s%^(ERL_LIBS=.*)$%\1/ejabberd-16.01%' /usr/bin/ejabberdctl
You are receiving this mail because:
You are on the CC list for the bug.
Bug ID: 1295663
Summary: dialyzer --build_plt crashes
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Component: erlang
Severity: high
Assignee: lemenkov(a)
Reporter: rbarlow(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: erlang(a), jeckersb(a),
lemenkov(a), rhbugs(a), s(a)
Created attachment 1111752
Description of problem:
When I try to build a PLT, dialyzer crashes.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
$ rpm -q erlang-dialyzer
How reproducible:
Every time
Steps to Reproduce:
1. $ dialyzer --build_plt --apps erts kernel stdlib
Actual results:
$ dialyzer --build_plt --apps erts kernel stdlib
Compiling some key modules to native code...{"init terminating in
Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump
init terminating in do_boot ()
Expected results:
Successful build.
Additional info:
I've attached the erl_crash.dump file.
You are receiving this mail because:
You are on the CC list for the bug.
Bug ID: 1324922
Summary: Log handler repeatedly crashes
Product: Fedora EPEL
Version: epel7
Component: erlang
Keywords: Regression, ZStream
Severity: urgent
Priority: urgent
Assignee: jeckersb(a)
Reporter: jeckersb(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: apevec(a), binarin(a),
erlang(a), fdinitto(a),
jeckersb(a), jschluet(a),
lhh(a), oblaut(a), rjones(a),
s(a), ushkalim(a)
Depends On: 1322609
Blocks: 1324185
+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #1322609 +++
Starting with erlang-erts-R16B-03.10min.6.el7ost.x86_64, the log handler
repeatedly crashes and fills up the rabbitmq startup_log with entries like:
Event crashed log handler:
{<0.1832.0>,"Mirrored ~s: Adding mirror on node ~p: ~p~n",
["queue 'l3_agent_fanout_0f6bc20f4c54484f9de482cd6d83a15a' in vhost
Meanwhile the rabbitmq log is empty.
Looks like a regression introduced in the "Enable error_logger depth fine
tuning" patch.
--- Additional comment from Alexey Lebedeff on 2016-04-07 09:17:10 EDT ---
R16B-03.16.el7 is also affected.
Referenced Bugs:
[Bug 1322609] Log handler repeatedly crashes
[Bug 1324185] Log handler repeatedly crashes
You are receiving this mail because:
You are on the CC list for the bug.
Bug ID: 1377306
Summary: couchdb-2.0.0 is available
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Component: couchdb
Keywords: FutureFeature, Triaged
Assignee: lemenkov(a)
Reporter: upstream-release-monitoring(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: erlang(a), lemenkov(a),
Latest upstream release: 2.0.0
Current version/release in rawhide: 1.6.1-18.fc26
Please consult the package updates policy before you issue an update to a
stable branch:
More information about the service that created this bug can be found at:
Please keep in mind that with any upstream change, there may also be packaging
changes that need to be made. Specifically, please remember that it is your
responsibility to review the new version to ensure that the licensing is still
correct and that no non-free or legally problematic items have been added
Based on the information from anitya:
You are receiving this mail because:
You are on the CC list for the bug.
Bug ID: 1426600
Summary: /etc/logrotate.d/rabbitmq-server leads to "Password:
su: Authentication failure"
Product: Fedora EPEL
Version: epel7
Component: rabbitmq-server
Severity: medium
Assignee: lemenkov(a)
Reporter: redhat-bugzilla(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: erlang(a),
hubert.plociniczak(a), jeckersb(a),
josh(a), lemenkov(a),
rjones(a), robert.scheck(a), s(a)
Description of problem:
/etc/logrotate.d/rabbitmq-server leads to the following logrotate failures:
--- snipp ---
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2017 03:37:11 +0100 (CET)
From: Anacron <root(a)>
To: root(a)
Subject: Anacron job 'cron.daily' on
Message-Id: <20170224023711.2735E406C4(a)>
Password: su: Authentication failure
error: error running shared postrotate script for '/var/log/rabbitmq/*.log '
--- snapp ---
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Everytime, just install rabbitmq-server on RHEL 7.3 with SELinux enforced.
Actual results:
/etc/logrotate.d/rabbitmq-server leads failure messages.
Expected results:
Working logrotate via /etc/logrotate.d/rabbitmq-server simply.
You are receiving this mail because:
You are on the CC list for the bug.
Bug ID: 1163812
Summary: Cannot control ejabberd with ejabberdctl
Product: Fedora
Version: 21
Component: ejabberd
Assignee: lemenkov(a)
Reporter: juan.orti(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: erlang(a), jkaluza(a),
lemenkov(a), martin(a)
Description of problem:
After a clean install of ejabberd in Fedora 21, I cannot use the ejabberdctl
utility to register users, etc.
I run:
# ejabberdctl register admin localhost password
Failed RPC connection to the node ejabberd@localhost: nodedown
Commands to start an ejabberd node:
start Start an ejabberd node in server mode
debug Attach an interactive Erlang shell to a running ejabberd node
live Start an ejabberd node in live (interactive) mode
Optional parameters when starting an ejabberd node:
--config-dir dir Config ejabberd: /etc/ejabberd
--config file Config ejabberd: /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.yml
--ctl-config file Config ejabberdctl: /etc/ejabberd/ejabberdctl.cfg
--logs dir Directory for logs: /var/log/ejabberd
--spool dir Database spool dir: /var/lib/ejabberd
--node nodename ejabberd node name: ejabberd@localhost
And I see this in the log /var/log/ejabberd/ejabberd.log:
2014-11-13 14:57:30.188 [info] <0.7.0> Application lager started on node
2014-11-13 14:57:30.257 [info] <0.7.0> Application sasl started on node
2014-11-13 14:57:30.286 [info] <0.7.0> Application crypto started on node
2014-11-13 14:57:30.354 [info] <0.7.0> Application asn1 started on node
2014-11-13 14:57:30.354 [info] <0.7.0> Application public_key started on node
2014-11-13 14:57:30.421 [info] <0.7.0> Application ssl started on node
2014-11-13 14:57:30.450 [info] <0.7.0> Application p1_yaml started on node
2014-11-13 14:57:30.482 [info] <0.7.0> Application p1_tls started on node
2014-11-13 14:57:30.492 [info] <0.7.0> Application p1_xml started on node
2014-11-13 14:57:30.498 [info] <0.7.0> Application p1_stringprep started on
node ejabberd@localhost
2014-11-13 14:57:30.508 [info] <0.7.0> Application p1_zlib started on node
2014-11-13 14:57:30.515 [info] <0.7.0> Application p1_cache_tab started on node
2014-11-13 14:57:31.015 [info] <0.7.0> Application mnesia started on node
2014-11-13 14:57:33.259 [info] <0.37.0>@cyrsasl_digest:start:57 FQDN used to
check DIGEST-MD5 SASL authentication:
2014-11-13 14:57:33.423 [info] <0.7.0> Application p1_iconv started on node
2014-11-13 14:57:42.556 [info] <0.564.0>@ejabberd_listener:listen_tcp:194
Reusing listening port for 5222
2014-11-13 14:57:42.556 [info] <0.565.0>@ejabberd_listener:listen_tcp:194
Reusing listening port for 5269
2014-11-13 14:57:42.557 [info] <0.566.0>@ejabberd_listener:listen_tcp:194
Reusing listening port for 5280
2014-11-13 14:57:42.557 [info] <0.37.0>@ejabberd_app:start:69 ejabberd
community is started in the node ejabberd@localhost
2014-11-13 14:57:42.557 [info] <0.7.0> Application ejabberd started on node
2014-11-13 14:59:18.926 [error] <0.567.0> ** Connection attempt from disallowed
node 'ejabberdctl-1@charm' **
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. yum install ejabberd
2. systemctl start ejabberd
3. ejabberdctl register admin localhost password
Actual results:
Cannot register a user.
Expected results:
Register a user.
Additional info:
You are receiving this mail because:
You are on the CC list for the bug.