Hello guys,
I'm preparing the rebase of URW fonts that we have currently in Fedora, because they are outdated, and this it the list of packages depending on them: ----------------- GraphicsMagick ghostscript-core grace graphviz htmldoc ipe libwmf mscgen pdf-renderer pokerth root-core synfig xpdf -----------------
Except that these fonts are outdated, there are other issues with versioning of them ATM (here's the discussion at devel list: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/... ).
Based on that discussion, I will be preparing a new package 'urw-base35-fonts' (or 'urw-core35-fonts'), which will make the old 'urw-fonts' obsolete at some point.
I was reading the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:FontsPolicy in order the comply with FPG, and according to that I should split into ~10 subpackages.
However, these are all the so-called 'Core fonts' required by Postscript level 2 (that we use in Fedora via ghostscript package):
"In addition to font types, PostScript specifications also defined the
Core Font Set, which dictates the minimum number of fonts, and character sets to be supported by each font. ... In PostScript Level 2, there are 35 fonts, which is a superset of the 13 base fonts" ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PostScript_fonts#Core_Font_Set)
In other words, it does not make sense to create a subpackages for the font families included in the urw-base35 (provided by ghostscript) fonts, because all of them are required as a whole set by every package requiring them (see above). Creating a subpackages for the font family would just create additional and unnecessary overhead for maintainer that would like to Require all of these fonts in their's package specfile.
And if you look at the current 'urw-fonts' package in Fedora, it also does not contain any subpackages (most likely because of the reasons I wrote above).
Therefore, I would like to hereby ask for a permission to not be forced to create subpackages for 'urw-base35-fonts' package.
Thank you in advance for any feedback.
Best regards,
David Kaspar [Dee'Kej] *Associate Software Engineer* *Brno, Czech Republic*
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