Dear all,
Please find below the Call For Presentation to the LSM meeting for the "Embedded Systems and Open Hardware" session.
Sincerely Yours;
Patrice. French Fedora ambassador.
=========================================================================== The Libre Software Meeting (LSM) is an annual event on free software taking place in july in France since 2000. The LSM meeting is organized this year in Nantes from 7th to 11th july.
This text is the Call For Presentation (CFP) of the "Embedded Systems and Open Hardware" session. The other topics can be found on the LSM Web site:
The embedded systems are increasingly present in our life. The embedded system community usually used commercial software solutions with royalties to reverse each time a system is sold. Since few years, a reversal of tendency has appeared with the use of free software for embedded systems. That is made possible by the adaptation of the Linux kernel to the constraints of atypical embedded system (no MMU, small memory footprint, filesystem in FLASH memory...) and its port on various types of processors.
Along with free software for embedded systems, Open Hardware is becoming more and more important. Open Hardware provides access to all the specifications of an electronic device design and is reproductible by everyone. This allows design reuse because one knows how it works. Open Hardware also increases its life because it can be reused in another use.
The purpose of the "Embedded Systems and Open Hardware" session is to give the state of the art of free software for embedded systems and Open Hardware.
Technical topics of this session include but are not limited to:
* Embedded OS Development kernel architecture, implementation and port for embedded systems * Embedded Development Tools: tool chains and project cases (tool chain projects, packaging for cross compilation, portability ...) * Embedded Linux: µClinux... * Real-time extensions for Linux: RTLinux, RTAI... * Hard real-time kernels: eCos, RTEMS, ADEOS, Xenomai... * Soft Real-time kernels * Embedded Java * GUI for embedded systems: Gtk, Qt, Nano/X... * Linux and System on Chip (SoC) * Open Hardware, Open design, free IP modules (Intellectual Property) and softcores: opencores, OpenRISC, NIOS, Microblaze, LEONSparc, FPGA...
Submissions with industrial applications and experiences are specially encouraged.
Précisions for the speakers:
The conference will last 30 minutes, questions included. Round tables will be organized.
Synthetic presentations are scheduled to last 20 minutes. PDF versions of the presentation are not mandatory but they will be greatly appreciated (with a web online access just after the LSM event, they are a very useful documentation to the entire community).
If you plan to participate and to propose a presentation, please send as soon as possible a message to the following address: with a summary of your presentation (and if you can, an english summary too) no later than 15th march 2009. Feel free to forward this Call For Presentation everywhere or to everyone you think to be interested in.
We have limited resources for public transportation (only for those who can not be refunded by their administration) but there is no fees for the conference and accommodation at very low cost is proposed on the site.
The chairmen of the "Embedded Systems and Open Hardware" for LSM ’09: Florian Fainelli, Patrice Kadionik, Thomas Petazzoni et Pierre Ficheux. ===========================================================================