Is there any objection to making the ResultsDB database dumps public
under ?
I wanted to grab a database dump today, to populate a local database for
development purposes. I was able to scp it from db-qa02 since I'm in
sysadmin-qa, but I figured it would be nice to have it available
publicly alongside those other applications' db dumps.
I can't think of any reason why the ResultsDB dumps need to be kept
secret. There should be no sensitive data in them, right?
So if there are no objections I'll file an infra ticket for adding the
dumps into the public-db-copy script.
Dan Callaghan <dcallagh(a)>
Senior Software Engineer, Products & Technologies Operations
Red Hat
Hello Adam,
As per openQA output failure (1) it seems the createhdds was not
executed for PowerPC on openqa.stg.
I do not know how it is done for x86-64, but we would probably need to
do something similar for PowerPC.
end time: 2017-11-26 14:05:25
result: setup failure: Cannot find HDD_1 asset
Michel Normand
After much fun, František, Josef and I got taskotron-dev re-deployed as
It's not running any ansiblize builds yet but that's planned for
tomorrow (hopefully)
# Fedora QA Devel Meeting
# Date: 2017-11-20
# Time: 15:00 UTC
# Location: #fedora-meeting-1 on irc.freenode.net
If you have any additional topics, please reply to this thread or add
them in the wiki doc.
Proposed Agenda
Announcements and Information
- Please list announcements or significant information items below so
the meeting goes faster
- What to do about Taskotron staging
- Moving to the cloud?
- disk-image-builder worth looking at more?
Potential Other Topics
- deployment of ansiblize branches
Open Floor