#436: SSH access to systems in Beaker lab
Reporter: atodorov | Owner: tflink
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone:
Component: Blocker bug tracker page | Version:
Keywords: | Blocked By:
Blocking: |
= bug description =
Currently systems in Beaker lab can be accessed only through bastion.fp.o
which is not as convenient as direct SSH into the system.
There's also the question whether or not to open the systems directly to
the Internet.
This needs to be discussed with infra. Filing here so it doesn't get lost.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa/ticket/436>
Fedora QA <http://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa>
Fedora Quality Assurance
#437: Need to import daily Fedora snapshots into Beaker
Reporter: atodorov | Owner: tflink
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone:
Component: Blocker bug tracker page | Version:
Keywords: | Blocked By:
Blocking: |
= bug description =
In order to perform any meaningfull testing Beaker needs to import more
recent Fedora trees. It could be daily(nightly) snapshots or less often
depending on available resources.
The tree directory structure needs to be a copy/snapshot of the current
state at the time of import. The reason is b/c devel trees utilize one URL
but the contents under this URL are updated in a rolling fashion. We need
tree URLs where content is not changing in order to produce consistent
test results.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa/ticket/437>
Fedora QA <http://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa>
Fedora Quality Assurance
#433: blocker proposal form forgets everything after login timeout
Reporter: kvolny | Owner: tflink
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone:
Component: Blocker bug tracker page | Version:
Keywords: | Blocked By:
Blocking: |
= bug description =
I was trying to propose a F20 blocker. I needed to gather information from
multiple bugs, so it took me longer to write the justification. After
finishing and submitting that, I was presented with a login screen. After
logging in again, I was redirected to the proposal form again, but it was
completely empty, all the text that took me so long to write was gone.
(Okay, I'm a smart guy and I had it in clipboard for such case, but if I
had forgotten ... booh.)
= bug analysis =
Seems the login code doesn't care about other variables in the http
request ...
= fix recommendation =
1) If there is such a short login timeout, the user should be warned about
it (e.g. countdown timer on the page) and the page should allow refresh
without submitting the data.
2) Once the login expires, the submitted data should be caried over all
the redirects back to the submission form.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa/ticket/433>
Fedora QA <http://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa>
Fedora Quality Assurance
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Review request for blockerbugs.
Repository: blockerbugs
commit abf5fe2abbcfbce45d103864f5ba40fc89f233fa
Author: Martin Krizek <mkrizek(a)redhat.com>
Date: Tue Jul 16 13:57:28 2013 +0200
Fix sequences in alembic
Sequences need to be created separately. The patch also fixes a few
alembic/versions/487cb8ccce92_dropping_flask_login.py e64dacb2e3b1a3d14bf38e1116df183ded9793d9
alembic/versions/1d12b74d12bd_add_userinfo_table.py 86dc390ed5e49b0a3ca058e163bc02b070d3d294
Diff: http://reviewboard-tflink.rhcloud.com/r/37/diff/
Martin Krizek
tflink created this task.
tflink added a subscriber: tflink.
tflink added a project: blockerbugs
I got a report of a failed proposal today where the form said there were errors but everything looks fine and no details were provided.
There is currently no logging of form errors in the app, and that would have been useful in this case. If there's one report, I suspect that there have been other form validation failures which have gone unreported. Attached to this bug is screenshot of what the user reported
To: tflink
Cc: qa-devel, tflink
mkrizek created this task.
mkrizek claimed this task.
mkrizek added a subscriber: mkrizek.
mkrizek added a project: blockerbugs
Currently, the app knows of no way how to deal with updates that were deleted from bodhi. This results in displaying deleted update as a potential fix for a bug. Also, the app display an obsolete update as a potential fix which it shouldn't.
The update sync code should go through the updates stored in the app's db and somehow mark those that were no longer present in bodhi or that have status 'obsolete' as 'do not display'.
To: mkrizek
Cc: qa-devel, mkrizek
jdulaney created this task.
jdulaney claimed this task.
jdulaney added a subscriber: qa-devel.
jdulaney added a project: depcheck mk 2
Currently, depcheck mk 2 uses essentially hard coded links to repodata; better solution is to put these into a config file.
Use yum.repos style so that yum configs can be copied in.
To: jdulaney
Cc: qa-devel
#381: Bug and Update syncs shouldn't be halted by an isolated problem with one
update or bug
Reporter: tflink | Owner: tflink
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: Undetermined Future
Component: Blocker bug tracker page | Version:
Keywords: | Blocked By:
Blocking: |
= problem =
The current bug and update sync algorithms are very fragile in that one
error will stop the entire sync algorithm, leaving stuff out of sync with
bodhi or bugzilla. This has caused problems in the past
= analysis =
This could be solved by better error handling in the sync process such
that an error is logged but doesn't bubble up to the main sync code and
halt the entire process.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa/ticket/381>
Fedora QA <http://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa>
Fedora Quality Assurance
#384: Improve documentation
Reporter: tflink | Owner: tflink
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 20
Component: Blocker bug tracker page | Version:
Keywords: | Blocked By:
Blocking: |
= problem =
At the moment, our documentation is out of date and somewhat incomplete.
= analysis =
Update the docs and find an appropriate place for them to live.
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa/ticket/384>
Fedora QA <http://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa>
Fedora Quality Assurance
#438: Multiple builds fixing a bug show confusing status label
Reporter: kparal | Owner: tflink
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: minor | Milestone:
Component: Blocker bug tracker page | Version:
Keywords: | Blocked By:
Blocking: |
See the screenshot. There are two updates that claim to fix a single bug
(that is correct, both of them are needed). One is stable, one is in
testing. The BBA shows [stable] label. That is confusing, that seems to
indicate that everything needed is in stable. (One might happen to visit
that bug and close it, without inspecting it closer).
I think a better choice here is to show the "worst" status in the label.
update X: stable
update Y: testing
-> label: [testing]
update X: stable
update Y: stable
-> label: [stable]
update X: pending testing
update Y: testing
-> label: [pending testing]
update X: pending stable
update Y: testing
-> label: [testing]
update X: stable
update Y: pending stable
-> label: [pending stable]
So, if you have an ordered array ['pending testing', 'testing', 'pending
stable', 'stable'], you pick the lowest index available in update XYZ
statuses and show that as the label.
What do you think?
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa/ticket/438>
Fedora QA <http://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa>
Fedora Quality Assurance