Hi all -
I just wanted to say hello and thanks for all of the effort getting this off
the ground. I'm sure the work you do here helps out many who use the Redhat
Enterprise Linux environment in major corporations for taking a peak at what
might be coming in the future releases for RHEL - this platform provides a
great environment for learning, testing and development - without any risks
I was able to install the build system you provided in July and performed
the updates to get to what I guess is a pseudo version of FC12 - I am
assuming that once the installation of the base system at FC11 is complete
and new the new RPMS for YUM, RPM and xz libraries then performing a yum
update get's you to base that is s390x-FC12. I am somewhat new to Fedora -
I used RHEL 4 and 5 on zSeries for quite a few years so this just might be
different with Fedora.
I just had a couple of questions.
Is there a plan to provide a DVD ISO of this environment to perform an
anaconda type install, using NFS, or HTTP etc similar to RHEL releases?
Will there be separate repos in the future to segregate releases - not sure
if this is a fedora thing or if this happened just because s390x-FC11 was so
new and Fedora moves so quickly that this time around things ended up
rolling together?
My test environment that I am using is based on Hercules 3.6+ and I have
seen no issues with anything using it. The information that this mailing
list provides gave me the information needed to get the CTC / networking
stuff working properly.
Nice Job!
Phil Pinto