I followed the procedures at
and after a reboot, updated my sagemath x86_64 repository.
I had a few f15 plexus&maven packages that appeared to cause
upgrade problems as well as ffmpeg-libs, but this was enough
for me to convert a f17 computer to f18:
$ sudo yum erase sagemath
$ sudo yum erase plexus-appserver plexus-runtime-builder
plexus-maven-plugin maven-shared plexus-xmlrpc ffmpeg-libs
$ sudo yum update yum
$ sudo yum clean all
$ sudo yum --releasever=18 --disableplugin=presto distro-sync
$ sudo rpm --rebuilddb
If you previously had a /etc/yum.repos.d/sagemath-f17.repo, please
now use http://pcpa.fedorapeople.org/sagemath/sagemath-f18.repo
There is a Singular update, but the same build should be available
as an update in a few days
and I just opened a bug report to update f18 to the same numpy in rawhide