That fixed it!!!!!
'su' no longer takes 20 seconds to complete!
The root shell still has XAUTHORITY set to /root/.xauthABCD, but commands (like seaudit, up2date) now work.
Thanks for the speedy response! tom
* /From/: Stephen Smalley <sds epoch ncsc mil> * /To/: "Fedora SELinux support list for users & developers." <fedora-selinux-list redhat com> * /Cc/: Russell Coker <russell coker com au>, Daniel J Walsh <dwalsh redhat com> * /Subject/: Re: up2date/seaudit/... not working (EXPLAINED) * /Date/: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 16:24:18 -0400
On Fri, 2004-06-18 at 15:00, Tom London wrote:
Running off of the development tree, I couldn't get graphical apps (like up2date, seaudit, ...) working when su'ed as root. All of this works fine on a 'stock FC2' machine (running off of the base and released-updates trees).
Try moving the ' open multiple' line before the '' line in /etc/pam.d/su. Dan, this is necessary under the current policy to get xauth to run with the right permissions for the new domain.