On 02/12/2016 02:35 PM, Pavel Březina wrote:
Mostly debugging improvements. For example sudo output looks like:
[sudosrv_get_rules_send] (0x0400): Running initgroups for [user-1] [cache_req_send] (0x0400): Cache Request [Initgroups by name #1]: New request [cache_req_send] (0x0400): Cache Request [Initgroups by name #1]: Parsing input name [user-1] [sss_parse_name_for_domains] (0x0200): name 'user-1' matched without domain, user is user-1 [cache_req_input_set_name] (0x0400): Cache Request [Initgroups by name #1]: Setting name [user-1] [cache_req_select_domains] (0x0400): Cache Request [Initgroups by name #1]: Performing a multi-domain search [cache_req_input_set_domain] (0x0400): Cache Request [Initgroups by name #1]: Using domain [LDAP] [cache_req_check_ncache] (0x0400): Cache Request [Initgroups by name #1]: Checking negative cache for [user-1@LDAP] [sss_ncache_check_str] (0x2000): Checking negative cache for [NCE/USER/LDAP/user-1] [cache_req_get_object] (0x0200): Cache Request [Initgroups by name #1]: Requesting info for [user-1@LDAP] [cache_req_cache_check] (0x0400): Cache Request [Initgroups by name #1]: [user-1@LDAP] entry is valid [cache_req_done] (0x0400): Cache Request [Initgroups by name #1]: Finished: Success
It is now very simple to lookup messages for specific cache_req.
This thread is deprecated in favor of [PATCH] cache_req improvements (sorry I didn't realized the names are the same before posting it).